Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Downloading Music

Downloading music illegally is becoming more and more popular from what I have seen and learned. But I don't think many down loaders have an idea that it is illegal and the amount it could end up costing them if they are caught! Apparently it's a very big amount. And per song not just one amount for everything! It honestly doesn't affect my life majorly because I have stopped doing the fraud, (please don't turn me in! I wasn't aware it was illegal). But I know of a lot of people that would be in a big dept if they were to be caught for downloading.

If I were an musician and had knowledge that my music was being downloaded illegally. It would upset me because for one, I'm not gaining anything from it! But at the same time if it's being downloaded frequently then I am flattered. My music is liked! But I would still greatly appreciate it if my Cd's were bought so I could gain some profit from it.

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